


Indiana has been home to hundreds of artists, cartoonists, and illustrators from pioneer days to the present day. Although many of these men and women are known to art lovers even now, others have been forgotten. Indiana Illustrators & Hoosier Cartoonists is here to fill the gap. 

Biographical entries include something about the lives of Indiana's artists, along with examples of their work. Thematic entries make connections among them and to their times. There are also opinion pieces and historical pieces. Finally, there are galleries and essays on Hoosiers in art.

For entries on individual artists, go to the Index page. For themes, topics, genres, etc., click on the corresponding label. You can also search for keywords in the Search This Blog block.

If you would like to find out more about the artists of Indiana, or if you have something to offer, feel free to post a comment, ask a question, or contact me at:

You can also look at my other blogs at:

Hoosier Cartoonists

Tellers of Weird Tales

and my artist's blog at:

Terence E. Hanley, Artist and Writer

Writing Indiana Illustrators & Hoosier Cartoonists is fun and informative for me. I hope reading it is fun for you, too. Thanks for looking.

Copyright 2015 Terence E. Hanley


  1. Aloha Terence:

    What a wonderful surprise to find this for Jo Poulson's two children. My sister Carolyn Jo Hofstad and me Thomas L. Poulson. Between the two of us we have many of her paintings and a wonderful lithograph of Carolyn Ashbrook's. I often went with my mother painting as a boy and am a reasonable natural history delineator. Carolyn has more talent and does all sorts of art. Find me on facebook and contact me at

  2. It may interest you to know that we have more information regarding engraver and illustrator Moses Leonard Tucker including a collection of around 80 pen and ink drawings done by Moses in some of his last years living at the Julietta home. He died there in September of 1926 of tuberculosis.

    1. Dear Terry,

      Yes, I am very interested in the drawings and any other information you may have on Moses Lenore Tucker. Please contact me at Thank you.

      Terence Hanley

  3. I have a 100 year old painting by Mary Chilton Gray and it was given to me by a woman who died recently. She said the painting was in her family for years but we knew each other so well she felt safe to pass it down to me. But I don't know if it's an original or not. The lady told me to never give it away. I would like to know if it is worth something or not. I would be happy to send you pictures if anyone is familiar with this painter.

    1. My name is Krystal Moore and my email is

  4. I have some cool baseball cards from Robert Parker. Not sure if anyone is interested in them, maybe fans or family. No cost. Let me know if interested.

    1. Yes, Joe,

      I'm interested. Please email me at Thank you.

      Terence Hanley

  5. Just read your post from May 25,2017. Rexroth lead me there. Here is a poem about his first wife who painted the portrait of Dorothy. I have been enjoying your blog and will be a regular visitor. /Users/frandagostine/Desktop/Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 6.15.34 PM.png


    1. Hi, Threemma,

      And thanks for the poem and painting. Thanks, too, for reading. Welcome to my blog, and I hope you enjoy what you find here.

      Terence Hanley
